Tender Proposal(Purchase Agreements) to Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) intends to enter into Purchase Agreements (PAs) for period of 12 months for Construction materials, Households, Stationeries, Agricultural products, Visibilities, CRI’s, Asset & Equipment and petroleum products.
The Purchase agreements may result into one or multiple DRC purchase Orders during the period of twelve months (September,2021 to September,2022) of the Purchase agreement.
Therefore, the Danish Refugee Council in Kibondo requests the^suppliers to submit their prices for the above goods.
The bidding documents can be collected at the Danish Refugee Council Office in Kibondo from 23rd June,2021 during the working days and hours. 8:00 Am to 4:30 Pm in the following address: Old IRC Road Area, Kibondo. You can call on: 0627423991 or through email jean.kabore@drc.ngo to receive the soft copy by email.
The closing date for the submission of the bids is 6th July, 2021 at 16:00Hrs
The ITB will be opened on 8th July, 2021 at 10:00 AM at DRC Kibondo Office, PO Box 177 Kibondo by the DRC Tender Opening Committee only due to Covid-19 restrictions and guidance.
You can return your bid form through rfq.tza@drc.ngo OR DIRECT TO THE DRC OFFICE otherwise is void